Quartz var. Faden from Dara Ismael Khan District, Waziristan, Pakistan [QUARTZ16]
Quartz var. Faden
Dara Ismael Khan District, Waziristan, Pakistan
Corundum Var. Sapphire from Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province,  Sri Lanka [SAPPHIRE6]
Corundum Var. Sapphire
Balangoda, near Ratnapura, Sabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka
Zoisite Var. Tanzanite from Arusha, Merelani, Tanzania [TANZANITE3]
Zoisite Var. Tanzanite
Arusha, Merelani, Tanzania
Opal: Rough and Cut from Shoa Province, Ethiopia [OPAL2]
Opal: Rough and Cut
Shoa Province, Ethiopia
Quartz "Faden"
Dara Ismael Khan District, Waziristan, Pakistan
Garnet var. Hessonite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [HESSONITE7]
Garnet var. Hessonite
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada

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Apatite from Mercado Mine, Durango, Mexico [db_pics/pics/apatite3a.jpg] Apatite from Mercado Mine, Durango, Mexico [db_pics/pics/apatite3b.jpg] Apatite from Mercado Mine, Durango, Mexico [db_pics/pics/apatite3c.jpg]

APATITE3 - Apatite
$ 80.00 SOLD
Mercado Mine, Durango, Mexico
thumbnail - 5.4 x 3.0 x 2.7 cm

This apatite is found in the "market Mine," nearby the famous Ojuela mine nearby Durango, Mexico. I have been buying these crystals for over 12 years, and finding larger crystals in good condition is difficult, primarily because the crystals are not in their original matrix, as the deposit collapsed millions of years ago. Occasionally clusters are available, and they look like someone mixed up apatite crystals in cement and let it dry. This is a Large crystal from this location. There are two small chips around the girdle of the crystal, understandable from this location. There is a bit of natural variation to the lustrous surface. Comes mounted on an acrylic base.

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Garnet var. Spessartine from Nani, Loliondo, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/spessartine2a.jpg] Garnet var. Spessartine from Nani, Loliondo, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/spessartine2b.jpg] Garnet var. Spessartine from Nani, Loliondo, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/spessartine2c.jpg] Garnet var. Spessartine from Nani, Loliondo, Tanzania [db_pics/pics/spessartine2d.jpg]

SPESSARTINE2 - Garnet var. Spessartine
$ 295.00 SOLD NET
Nani, Loliondo, Tanzania
small cabinet - 6.0 x 5.0 x 5.5 cm

This Garnet is BIG. It comes from the same deposit that hit the market with a "splash," a couple years ago. When first discovered garnets this size were priced at $3,000 and higher. The deposit proved to be overly fruitful, and the price fell dramatically. For $295, this is a great value for exactly what it is: a well formed orange-red spessartine garnet. It weighs 285 grams (over 10 ozs). There is some very minute chipping along an edge or two, but overall it's in good condition with good color and nice sharp faces as pictured.

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Sikhote-Alin Meteorite from Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Eastern Siberia, Russia [db_pics/pics/sikhote4a.jpg] Sikhote-Alin Meteorite from Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Eastern Siberia, Russia [db_pics/pics/sikhote4b.jpg] Sikhote-Alin Meteorite from Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Eastern Siberia, Russia [db_pics/pics/sikhote4c.jpg] Sikhote-Alin Meteorite from Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Eastern Siberia, Russia [db_pics/pics/sikhote4d.jpg]

SIKHOTE4 - Sikhote-Alin Meteorite
$ 225.00 SOLD
Sikhote-Alin Mountains, Eastern Siberia, Russia
miniature - 4.5 x 4.5 x 2.5 cm

This nickel iron meteorite fell on Feb. 12, 1947 in the Sikhote-alin Mountains of Eastern Siberia, Russia. It is the largest observed meteorite fall in history, with over 23000 kg raining down on the earth in the form of iron shrapnel and the more rare individual fallen meteorites such as this one. It is covered in regmaglypts, the indentations that give the piece contours. I put this piece away, back when this meteorite was readily available on the market. A couple years ago, the Russian government has made it difficult to export, and diggers I knew said there was almost nothing left to find. It weighs 103 grams. This is an excellent example, with a dynamic form and really well formed regmaglypts. 

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Beryl var. Aquamarine from Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia [db_pics/pics/aqua7a.jpg] Beryl var. Aquamarine from Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia [db_pics/pics/aqua7b.jpg] Beryl var. Aquamarine from Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia [db_pics/pics/aqua7c.jpg]

AQUA7 - Beryl var. Aquamarine
$ 395.00 SOLD
Erongo Mountains, Erongo Region, Namibia
small cabinet - 5.1 x 2.0 x 1.7 cm

This Aqua has amazing color, especially for Erongo. It is double terminated, is in great condition. It formed along with Kaolin clay, so it has some skeletal qualities, but no visible chips or dings. It also has some interesting inclusions which really add character. As pictured, the ends are gem clear. It weighs 32 grams. Unusually good for Erongo, or anywhere else for that matter. 

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Quartz Var. Amethyst Quartz Var. Amethyst

AMETHYST6 - Quartz Var. Amethyst "Antenna Quartz"
$ 345.00 SOLD
Goboboseb Mtns. Brandberg Dist. Erongo Region, Namibia
small cabinet - 6.0 x 5.0 x 3.5 cm

This unusual example of "antenna Quartz," occurred as a brief layer in  a Quartz vein in the Goboboseb mountains in Namibia. The vein was frosty white quartz, and then they hit a layer where there were secondary growth of Amethyst on the white quartz crystals. This secondary growth may be considered "reverse sceptering," as the Quartz grows skinnier and more narrow, compared with scepters where they expand outward. Africans liked to call them "Antenna Quartz," for obvious reasons. There are ten different reverse scepters on this cluster. The two largest make a dramatic "V" for victory, and exhibit exceptional length for this rare form of Quartz. It comes mounted on an acrylic base.

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Vesuvianite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/vesuvianite1a.jpg] Vesuvianite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/vesuvianite1b.jpg] Vesuvianite from Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada [db_pics/pics/vesuvianite1c.jpg]

VESUVIANITE1 - Vesuvianite
$ 295.00 SOLD
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos, Quebec, Canada
cabinet - 13.0 x 7.3 x 4.0 cm

The Jeffrey Mine in Quebec closed several years ago. It was an important source of asbestos that was used in the heat shields of the Space Shuttle. Vesuvianite comes in a wide array of colors ranging from lavender-purple to yellow-green and occasionally bright pink. This large piece exhibits both colors, with great sparkle. It's in fine condition. It weighs 524 grams/ 1 pound 2.5 oz.

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Beryl with Muscovite from Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil [db_pics/pics/beryl1a.jpg] Beryl with Muscovite from Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil [db_pics/pics/beryl1b.jpg] Beryl with Muscovite from Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil [db_pics/pics/beryl1c.jpg]

BERYL1 - Beryl with Muscovite
$ 165.00 SOLD
Conselheiro Pena, Minas Gerais, Brazil
cabinet - 9.5 x 6.5 x 6.5 cm

Excellent contrast of lime green beryl with golden Muscovite crystals and white Clevelandite blades. It brings gemminess to the Pegmatitic contrast, also the Beryl is slightly etched. It weighs 334 grams/13 oz. There aren't any visible dings. 

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Cavansite on Stilbite from Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India [db_pics/pics/cavansite1a.jpg] Cavansite on Stilbite from Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India [db_pics/pics/cavansite1b.jpg] Cavansite on Stilbite from Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India [db_pics/pics/cavansite1c.jpg] Cavansite on Stilbite from Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India [db_pics/pics/cavansite1d.jpg]

CAVANSITE1 - Cavansite on Stilbite
$ 335.00 SOLD
Wagholi Quarry, Maharashtra, India
small cabinet - 7.2 x 5.0 x 4.5 cm

Cavansite is a recently discovered mineral. It was named after it's elements: Calcium, Vanadium, Silicate. The color of the Cavansite is what I look for when selecting this mineral. the color of this Cavansite is incredible. It's bright blue, sparkly and has wonderful little white Stilbite crystals that accent the "run," of Cavansite on the matrix. This will really add both color and aesthetics to your collection. On the back top of the Cavansite is a little contact spot (doesn't detract from the appearance). 

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Babingtonite with Prehnite and Quartz from Hongxi, Meigu, Sichuan Province, China [db_pics/pics/babingtonite2a.jpg] Babingtonite with Prehnite and Quartz from Hongxi, Meigu, Sichuan Province, China [db_pics/pics/babingtonite2b.jpg] Babingtonite with Prehnite and Quartz from Hongxi, Meigu, Sichuan Province, China [db_pics/pics/babingtonite2c.jpg]

BABINGTONITE2 - Babingtonite with Prehnite and Quartz
$ 295.00 SOLD
Hongxi, Meigu, Sichuan Province, China
cabinet - 10.7 x 6.2 x 4.0 cm

This is a fantastic example of Babingtonite! The largest crystal is 2 cm across by 1.5 cm tall and it is black and glassy (ideal). There are dozens of others intermixed with Quartz crystals. On the Reverse side (third pic), are bright beautiful lime green Prehnite crystals. It has everything that makes these classic specimens from China. It's in great condition with no visible chips or dings. There is a very hard to see contact spot on one end (it had to be connected somehow). It weighs 232 grams.

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Fluorite from Denton Mine, Cave-in-rock District, Illinois [db_pics/pics/fluorite6a.jpg] Fluorite from Denton Mine, Cave-in-rock District, Illinois [db_pics/pics/fluorite6b.jpg] Fluorite from Denton Mine, Cave-in-rock District, Illinois [db_pics/pics/fluorite6c.jpg]

FLUORITE6 - Fluorite
$ 125.00 SOLD
Denton Mine, Cave-in-rock District, Illinois
small cabinet - 9.0 x 5.3 x 4.7 cm

This zoned blue fluorite is from the Les Tolonen collection. We were able to acquire 100 flats from him representing his 100 trips to the cave-in-rock district spanning 35 years of his doing business in the area while it was in production. These are now classic pieces in any collection, with mass appeal. No visible dings or chips. good ones are hard to find any more. 

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